In previous blog posts, I covered two important aspects of a business case for an Artwork Management System: the ROI calculation and Strategic Alignment. The third part may be the most compelling justification to make your case.

This is the other ROI: The Risk of Ignoring.

This is the answer to the “What if I don’t do anything?” question and it highlights the risk you expose your organization to without a proper way to manage your brand assets.

Here are five examples of “What if” questions to ask: 

  • What if my product gets to market with an incorrect label?
  • What if we don’t have a proper audit trail in place to determine how something was released when there is a question being asked about it?
  • What if a product launch is delayed because the label is not ready on schedule?
  • What if we can’t find the latest released asset when a change is required?
  • What if that one person who keeps track of where all of the latest files are stored decides to leave the organization?


Each of the above presents very real concerns and make convincing business drivers for an AMS. In many industries, regulatory compliance requirements are growing and the need for audit trails and traceability is no longer optional. This isn’t just a Life Science concern anymore. The Food & Beverage sector for example, also has auditing and regulatory requirements to address.

TIP: Make your list of “What if’s” and then answer each question. Once you’ve done that, describe how your proposed AMS can mitigate the risk.

These types of considerations can be difficult to put a dollar value beside, but that doesn’t mean they should be left out of your business case. If you include the Return on Investment and the Risk of Ignoring, along with Strategic Alignment, you’ll have a complete business case for an Artwork Management System.

Have you had success with your business case? Did you use a different approach? We would love to hear from you! Send us a message through the form below.

Jackie Leslie is a Senior Business Development Engineer at Schawk Digital Solutions.

[This post includes titles and references to Schawk that preceded December 21, 2014, when Diversis, a Private Equity firm, acquired a majority share of BLUE, creating BLUE Software, LLC.]


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