Packaging today has taken on a new role beyond simply being a delivery device for a company’s products. It has become a symbolic representation of a brand and it carries with it an increasingly important contract between a brand and its consumers.

This consumer contract delivers nutrition facts and ingredients as well as statements regarding health and safety, which consumers are paying more and more attention to, says Scott Strong, SVP, Group Managing Direct at SGK. It’s an interaction that spans across multiple channels from the physical store shelf to online retail, social media and mobile and tablet applications.

At the same time, packaging faces an onslaught of pressure from new regulations and language complexities – all of which could vary from one country or region to another, for instance in Europe and Asia.

How do brand managers adapt to these changes and prepare themselves from a process standpoint? After all, the pressure will only continue to increase with new food labeling regulations coming to the US. As Strong discussed in his BrandSquare webinar, Brand on a Wire: Walking the Tightrope of Regulatory and Consumer Trust, brands would do well to start thinking from IT perspective.

For a comprehensive look at the perfect balance required when creating, managing and distributing brand packaging, as well as first steps to begin the journey, watch Brand on a Wire: Walking the Tightrope of Regulatory and Consumer Trust.


Topics: BLUE, Webinar